Laboratory Equipment

improve your laboratory capacity

Need an Equipment for aroma & Sensory analysis?

Are you looking to set up or to improve your laboratory capacity for the analysis of flavours or for sensory evaluation?

Building global analytical capacity is a complex and resource-intensive process. It demands extensive initial input to determine the right equipment and provide thorough training for lab technicians, covering both sensory and analytical aspects. 

We can help to define the right materials, equipment, and methods for your laboratory, while offering training and tailored recommendations to your lab team. We work with an expanding network of companies and research organizations worldwide, assisting them in building laboratory capacity through technical training and knowledge sharing.

Eptes has developed a new innovative versatile Cold Trap IS1609 equipment for selective and non-selective trapping and collecting at low and cryogenic temperatures aroma compounds.

In the field of aroma analysis, traditionally, the cold trap technique is a method used to condense and capture volatile aroma compounds from a gas stream by cooling them to low temperatures. This technique is particularly useful in various applications to separate and identify complex mix of aroma compounds.

The principle behind the new Cold Trap equipment involves using a cooling mechanism to lower the temperature in the trapping chamber, causing the volatile compounds to condense and be trapped. In the Cold Trap IS1609 It employs liquid nitrogen as a cooling liquid to achieve the required low temperatures.

The equipment includes a cooling chamber and a module which can be set and control the temperature at any level between the ranges of room temperature to -180°C (~93K). 

Sampling flavours in food can be easy. After setting the temperature in the cooling chamber at any level between room temperature and a cryogenic temperature such as -180°C, samples such as volatiles can be pumped and introduced in the cooling equipment.

Sample are then collected and analyzed with conventional chromatography methods.  

Eptes Cold Trap IS1609 is easy to use, the average cooling and sampling time is about 20-30min, but this depends also on the applications. It allows also selective and non-selective trapping of volatiles: the instrument enables to collect the whole sample or only fractions of it. Thus, it permits to obtain a selective class of compounds in the sample. 

There are many other advantages of using IS1609; first, it allows sampling total flavours in one single step. Thus it has the advantage of keeping the stability and the integrity of volatiles compounds.  Eptes Cold Trap IS1609 is effective for cryo-separation or cryo-distillation of samples based on temperature increase or decrease.

Cold Trap For Flavours

Selective and non-selective trapping and collecting of aroma compounds at low and cryogenic temperatures.

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Laboratory equipment

We can help you in setting up and implementing a new flavour and sensory analytical laboratory, define all necessary materials and equipment, establish analytical methods and provide excellent training to you team. Contact us for more information.

Equipment for aroma & Sensory analysis

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