SensoryTraining – Soft Drinks

Training Center

Sensory Evaluation of Soft Drinks Quality

About sensory evalution of soft drinks
This module is designed to build-up and calibrate a sensory tasting panel for a defined soft drinks. The training also focuses on standardizing the terminology used during sensory evaluations of soft drinks attributes, providing sensory scientists with a clear methodology for assessing of its quality.


Sensory evaluation of soft drinks

The training is based on 2 main modules that take place over a period of 15-30 days.

Module 1

The module is composed of session run on different days wih the aim to standardizing the terminology and calibrate the panel.

1. Sensory Evaluation of Texture
2. Sensory Evaluation of Appearance
3. Assessment of Aroma 1 (Flavours)
4. Assessment of Aroma 2 (tastes, astringency, off-flavours/defects)
5. Panel Calibration & Reporting

Module 2

The module 2 has the aim to provide sensory evaluators with different methodologies for assessing soft drinks quality:

1. Discrimination Testing (Triangle Test, Duo-Trio Test)
2. Shelf-Life and Stability Testing
3. Descriptive Analysis
4. Consumer Acceptance Testing (Hedonic Scales, Paired Comparison Tests)


Sensory researchers, food scientists, product development scientists, QA production operators, etc. from academia or the industry interested to learn the essential methodology for the sensory evalution of soft drinks.

Additional information

When and Where ?

  1. Dates: starting date to be discussed
  2. Location: On-site customer location or other locations available (to be discussed)

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Training Center

The Sensory & Flavours Training Center offers courses and hands-on training, providing participants with the most relevant tools and guiding them step by step through the essential stages of aroma analysis. Additionally, it enhances their analytical skills by teaching practical methods for in-depth analysis.

The Sensory & Flavours Learning Experience

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